[BF2142] Open bêta du "Patch 1.20"

Portrait de jahren

EA annonce l'ouverture de l'open bêta du patch 1.20 pour le jeu Battlefield 2142. Celle-ci commence aujourd'hui même.

J'ai pas trouvez de lien de téléchargement, il doit surment apparaitre a l'ouverture du jeu.

ChangeLog :

• Fix for Squad Leader Spawn Beacon CTD
• Fix for Titan core exploits
• Code of conduct enforcement enhancements. Players who are found in violation of EA/DICE Rules of Combat will have their account banned
• Adjusted Static AV cross hair alignment to improve accuracy
• Added server side option to disable Titan movement.

The Beta of the 1.20 Patch will be available for public testing beginning Friday February 2nd. In this update we have addressed many issues including the Spawn Beacon CTD and Titan exploits.

I'll be adding the Beta section to the forums soon. Look for it to get the Beta debriefing and everything you need to check out this new update.

Until then, carry on soldiers!


Source : EA Board">EA Board
