[EVE] Rev 2.3 mardi 6 nov

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Il faut donc surtout voir la derniere citation concernant Linux et MacOSX


[Annonce] Déploiement de Revelations 2.3 mardi 6 novembre de 11h à 14h GMT (12h à 15h FR)
Par CCP Kieron, traduction : Suvereign
Source : Site Officiel - Annonce

Tranquility aura un temps d'arrêt prolongé le mardi, 6 Novembre. Ca débutera à 11h GMT (12h FR) et la durée prévu de ce temps d'arrêt est de 3 heures. Durant ce temps, un patch sera appliqué à Revelation consistant principalement en des correctifs.

Le Patch Note est disponible.

A noter : Mettre une compétence finissant après le temps prévu de retour en service est recommandé.

Director of Community Relations, EVE Online

Posté par Themis-Suvereign Voir le message
Patch 2.3, à pas confondre avec 3.0

D'ailleurs dans la même source kireon précise:


EVE: Trinity will be deployed before the end of the year. If someone buys me enough beer at the Fanfest, I might even narrow the deployment date down to a month.

The Revelations III deployment will be some time towards the middle of next year.

Trinity is the graphics upgrade. RevIII is the Factional Warfare expansion.

et un peu plus tard:


This update, Revelations 2.3, contains formal support for Mac OS X and Linux. It also includes a few fixes for all platforms. Stay tuned for the release notes.

The next expansion, EVE Online: Revelations III (codename "Kali 3"), was renamed to EVE Online: Trinity because we had to postpone factional warfare due to lack of time and resources.

So Trinity is Revelations III, not including factional warfare, but with drone improvements, heat improvements, EVE Voice improvements, tons of bug fixes, a new graphics engine and new art content.

Please note that Trinity (the expansion) contains Trinity v2 (the graphics engine; v2 not II). This renaming was never going to cause any problems...

(It's not been decided what the expansion containing factional warfare will be called. The codename is currently "Kali 4", it might be called Revelations III, Revelations IV or something completely different.)