[STO] Salon du "Game Developers Conferences 2007"

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Quelques articles fleurissent sur les sites dédiés au MMORPGs, ceci proviennent tous directement d'interview du salon du "Game Developers Conferences 2007".

Quelques images pour agrémenté tous sa, suffit de cliquer dessus pour agrandir. ;)

Syfyportal.com : MMORPG USS Enterprise To Be Battleship...

"The game, which would be the first attempt at a Star Trek MMORPG, was one of the products Perpetual dsiplayed during a recent Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. "Star Trek Online" is being worked on by a team of 40 artists and programmers, is looking to find a balance between realistic graphic representations of people and humans, and the more "cartoony" nature that is "World of Warcraft," by far the most popular MMORPG of all time. And, they will have Gorns."

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Warcry.com : Star Trek Online Preview...

"There were stations for character animation, environments, concept art and ship modeling. With the team pushing to produce their first land environment, it provided them with a chance to show us how they're able to innovate in places where the TV series had its hands tied. For example, all aliens in Star Trek tended to be humanoid since actors wearing prosthetics portrayed them. In a massively multiplayer 3D game, that is no longer an issue. The monster in the animation display was a massive, fat blue creature with spindly legs that would likely not be able to stand in real life. On the screen though, he looked great. The level of detail in this actual game model was impressive, especially the animation. It's no secret that their other project - Gods and Heroes - is known for animation and if the facial animations of this creature are any indication, STO only raises the bar."

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MMORPG.com : GDC Studio Visit: The Directions of STO...

"One of the highlights of the evening, for me, was having the chance to take a look at some of the concept art that was on display for us. Ships, planets, and races (both playable and NPC) covered the walls of one of the rooms in the studio. Browsing along, I saw: burly, mean-looking Klingons and stout, almost dwarf-like Tellerites posted on the wall near some of the most unique starship designs that I could imagine. Starfleet, it seems, has gone through an evolution of design in the 20 years between the game and Nemesis. The ships are sleeker, more interesting versions of the vessels that we are used to seeing. The new version of the Enterprise (I suppose it must be NCC-1701-E) provides the same stark contrast to its predecessor as the Enterprise D did to the much-beloved ship from the Original Series. The neck of the ship (between the drive and saucer sections) has been elongated and curved, but the original feel remains intact with a deflector array (that piece on the bottom front of the ship) that looks surprisingly like the one from the Enterprise D and a large saucer section. These new ship designs (the Enterprise is only one of many new classes of Starfleet vessel) stood next to familiar designs like the Defiant class ships, Maquis Fighters and a ship that looked a lot like the Voyager's Delta Flyer. Again, this keeps with Star Trek tradition as The Next Generation often saw an Excelsior class ship (from the Original Series movies) running alongside the newer, bigger, better Enterprise D."

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MPOGD.com : GDC - Star Trek Online...

"At the very end of the evening, I saw just two people in the previously overcrowded room where a looped demo reel was running... I slipped inside to take advantage of this opportunity, and found that the gents inside were Daron Stinnett, Executive Producer for Perpetual, and an intense young man whose name I did not catch. I am sure that I will learn the name soon though, for he is the fellow who has done amazing things with the Star Trek music. It is clearly reminiscent of the older themes that we are familiar with, but without the sense of ponderous, almost funereal seriousness. This is music you can listen to while you play, happily. It underlines the general impression I acquired of the treatment for the whole Star Trek Online package. This is not your old school, hard-line Star Trek. Perpetual is working on reinventing the universe, while keeping all the best bits."

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